
Showing posts from September, 2019

Photoshop Academic shoot


Academic shoot


Great black and white photographers part 3

1. What first caught my eye in this photo is that kid it was very clear that the little girl in the photo was the subject of the photo. I chose this photographer because he took realy good photos and for a good reason he brought attention to child labor and that is really cool.  2.  In the photos, we posted in the last black and white photographs post i posted this  In this photo, I feel the hot air on my skin I can feel the cool smooth metal on my hands. I can see the construction  of the Empire State Building and The men working.  I hear the loud hum of the drills and cranes and all the machines of a construction site.  3. I would like to make a powerpoint to show how cool Lewis Hine is. I think a powerpoint is a really easy way of showing something to a group of people.  

Abandoned Theme park

1. if I could go to any of these parks with a camera I would probably go to Spreepark, Berlin Germany. I would go there because I think it looks cool it gives me honted vibes and I like how old it looks.  3.  .old barn  . forest .train tracks . salt flats .abandoned buildings 4. this is from the salt flats 5. I think it would be cool to take pictures of the salt flats because you cold use the flatness to do forst perspective photography. I like this because you cold makes someone look really small or really big and it looks cool. 6. I would have to get a plan ticat to the salt flats. I would also need a camera that could focus on something close up and stell having to focus on something fare way  


1. My reaction to what i read is astonishment. I did not expect someone like Nick Brandt to start of making music videos for people like Michael Jackson then to do something so drastically different like taking photos of animals in Africa and being so good at it that is really cool. I thought the photos were really good to i like how he pot them all in black and white to make them more dramatic.  2. This is a lioness and her cub in the wield. I liked this photo so much because it shows lions in a way they don't usually show us we think of lions as fears agrees animals. This shows a lion caring for her young and not killing anything and I thought that that was really cool.  4. the rules of photography in this is it has rule of thirds. so if you pot a tik tak tow bord on the photo the lions will be on the top left point. It is also simple there is not a distracting background. 5. 105 f2.5, and 200 f4. Brandt gets himself really  closer to his subjects and s...

Photo manipulation and ethics

A. Most of the points I read about in this article was that someone removed something or added something in order to push the narrative that they wanted. Like when Hitler removed Goebbels out of that photo or when Times magazine made OJ Simpson look darker than he actually was or when The University of Wisconsin added a black guy in the photo to make there school seem more divers. B. They don't change the color from the original photo Photojournalists are required to turn in all of their proofs as well as their final portfolio in order for their photographs to be used.  C.  I think what you could and couldn't do in photo shop is different for every one there is always going to be  someone who will get offended with something but there is definitely a line. That line for me is if you are changing something and it will change the meaning of the photo i think that is wrong like in the   University of Wisconsin photo they adde...

Great black and white photographers part 2

Lewis Hine  Lewi Hine used photography to rais awareness of child labor. He toke photos of kids working in fields, factories, city streets etc. He was born in  Oshkosh, Wisconsin on  September 26,1874.  Hine studied sociology before moving to New York  in 1901 that is when he got in to photography. It was 1904 when he  had begun a series of photographs documenting the arrival of immigrants at Ellis Island this and his pictures of harsh labor conditions he got peoples attention. He worked as the official photographer for the National Child Labor Committee from the years of 1911-1916 after that he worked with the red cross in Europe  he documented the effects of World War I in France. He came back to the U.S in 1922 a couple of years later he toke photos of the construction of the Empire State Building. He is beast known for the photos of child labor though. Lewis Hine died in November 3 1940.        ...

Great black and white photographers part 1

Ansel Adams Eugene Atget Lewis Hine

Academic shoot preview

Filling the frame I picked this photo for Filling the frame because it does fill the frame with the most interesting stuff. the flame does take up half the photo. Not only that but you can see the kids face and that is really cool because the hull room is dark exempt for the kid and the fire.                                                                                                                                            Action or emotion I chose this photo for acton/emotion because I thought it showed that. You can tell she is moving because she is in the air and her hair is moving. She also looks really exited and ha...

Peer reflection

Post shoot Reflection

1. The challenges I encountered when I was taking my photos were different for the 4 different prompts. The square one was pretty simple I just had to get someone to pot there hands in the way I was thinking. The metal one was a little more difficult trying to get the camera to focus the way I wanted it to. But Bowie and Happy were by fare the most difficult it was really hared trying to come up with ideas for those but I ended up doing it. 2. I probably thought about Focus the most in turmes of the technical aspects of photography. I had to august the focus on the camera several times to focus on Saide instead of the things around her. 3. If I could do the assignment again I would retake the happy photos I don't think they are as good as I could have made it. I would have used the rule of thirds. 4. I wold do my metal photo the same. I really like that photo and I would keept my square photo the same i think that it was really creative. 5. No i am not interested in sh...

Prompt Shoot #1

METAL: This is my metal prompt photo. It is a photo of the fridge in the hall way. It has lines because of the lines on the fridge.    SQUARE: This is my square photo. It is simple. BOWIE: This is my Bowie photo. I took the photo of the mascot because I thought it represented Bowie well. This photo is using rule of thirds.   HAPPY: This is my happy photo. I took a photo of Saide because she is happy and that is how I interpreted the prompt. This photo is using framing because the leafs on the trees are framing her.