The camera

1. Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
2. heavily polished sheet of silver-plated copper
3. Portraits 
4. . Shutter speed
    . Aperture
    . ISO
5. . Matrix Metering (Nikon)
    . Center-weighted Metering
    . Spot Metering
6. the example the article gives you is if you are trying to tack a headshot 
of a person with the sun behind them 
7. the vary specific subject the article suggest is bird photography 
8. .Program 
     .Shutter Priority
     .Aperture Priority
     . Manual 
9. In Shutter you manually set the camera’s shutter speed and the camera automatically picks the right aperture for you, based on the amount of light that passes through the lens. were as in Aperture mode, you manually set the lens aperture, while the camera automatically picks the right shutter speed to properly expose the image. You have full control over subject isolation and you can play with the depth of field.
10. manual focus you have to focus the camera your self Autofocus it does it for you 
11. I think that Autofocus is better for most circumstances because if you are trying to tack a photo quickly you may not have time to manually focus it
12. low-light environments
13. low-light environments
14. without a tripod your videos will look shaky
15. you want to use auto focus when shooting video 
17. a tool to evaluate exposure on a digital image
18.  This histogram usually has a monochromatic display—either white data on a black chart, or vice versa
19. the color histograms
20. when an image has pitch black shadows or pure wight highlights 


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