Magazine cover preview

1. Is the image appealing
2. will it catch someones enchant
3. Is it interesting
4.  shows facts easy to read 
5.what is in it for the reader

1. Formal
2. Formal

6. Formal
7. Informal

8. Formal
9. Informal
13. Informal
15. Informal
16. Enviromental
17. Informal
18. Informal
24. Informal
26. Formal
27. Informal

29. Informal
30. Enviromental
31. Formal
32. Informal
33. Informal
34. Informal
35. Enviromental
36. Informal
37. formal
38. Informal 
39. formal
40. Informal
41. Enviromental
42. Enviromental
43. Enviromental
44. Enviromental
46. formal
48. Informal
49. Environmental 

MY favorite cover:
 My.p is an online magazine and design project that showcases the work of young creatives and artists. A geometric pattern with varying levels of transparency is laid over the image of a wind-blown model and adds varying depths to the image.

I liked this cover so much because it shows a lot of emotion. with her eyes closed and the wind in her face, it is really dramatic. It makes me want to know what is going on in her head and what is she thinking about. I also liked that she is no centered in the middle of the frame she is slight to the left wich does mack it pleasing to look at. The lighting in this photo is one of the reasons I liked as much as I did. There are no shadows or harsh lighting changes on her face which is good because if there was it would look too crowded with the pattern that was pot on top of the photo. 


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