Top-100 Photos
1. 1. What caught my eye with this photo was that there was a man on the moon and that is pretty eye-catching 2. Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin where the first people to go to the moon. Neal Armstrong was the firs Buzz the second but Buzz got some good photos of neal n the moon in the sea of tranquillity. 3. The place ware Neal Armstrong and buzz aldrin landed was called the sea of tranquillity. 4. . Buzz Aldrin . born in 1930 . Glen Ridge NJ . Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2. 1. What caught my eye about this photo was the fact that they are really high up in the air with nothing supporting them but they are acting so calm. 2. The men in this photo were 840 feet up in the air. They are some of the construction workers who helped build the Rockefeller Center. They staged this photo for a campaign for the building but it is unknown who took the photo. 3. Ironwork...