
Showing posts from November, 2019

Top-100 Photos

1. 1. What caught my eye with this photo was that there was a man on the moon and that is pretty eye-catching 2.  Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin where the first people to go to the moon. Neal Armstrong was the firs Buzz the second but Buzz got some good photos of neal n the moon in the sea of tranquillity. 3.  The place ware Neal Armstrong and buzz aldrin landed was called the sea of tranquillity. 4.   . Buzz Aldrin       . born in 1930       . Glen Ridge NJ       . Massachusetts Institute of Technology   2. 1. What caught my eye about this photo was the fact that they are really high up in the air with nothing supporting them but they are acting so calm. 2.  The men in this photo were 840 feet up in the air. They are some of the construction workers who helped build the Rockefeller Center. They staged this photo for a campaign for the building but it is unknown who took the photo. 3. Ironwork...

Magazine cover preview

1. Is the image appealing 2. will it catch someones enchant 3. Is it interesting 4.  shows facts easy to read  5.what is in it for the reader 1. Formal 2. Formal 6. Formal 7. Informal 8. Formal 9. Informal 13. Informal 15. Informal 16. Enviromental 17. Informal 18. Informal 24. Informal 26. Formal 27. Informal 29. Informal 30. Enviromental 31. Formal 32. Informal 33. Informal 34. Informal 35. Enviromental 36. Informal 37. formal 38. Informal  39. formal 40. Informal 41. Enviromental 42. Enviromental 43. Enviromental 44. Enviromental 46. formal 48. Informal 49. Environmental  MY favorite cover:  My.p is an online magazine and design project that showcases the work of young creatives and artists. A geometric pattern with varying levels of transparency is laid over the image of a wind-blown model and adds varying depths to the image. I liked this cover so much because it shows a lot of emotion. with her eyes closed and the wind in her face, it ...

Portraits and self-portraits Intro

1. Experiment with Subject Expressions In some portraits, it is the expression on the face of your subject that makes the image. Get your subject to experiment with different moods and emotions in your image. Play with extreme emotions 2. There are several ways to approach self-portraits. One way is to frame an interesting composition and then, with your compact camera mounted on a tripod or another means of support, use the self-timer Environmental portrait 1. I like this photo because it shows were he workes and what he does and it looks really cool with the sparkes in the background.   2. I like this photo because it shows that he likes to mack guitars and it just looks pleasing to the eye      self-portraits photography I like this photo because the background is not too distracting and it is cool looking   I like the lighting in this one and I like how she is staring down at the camera and i like how casual ...

Funny captons

1. Joe and Tamatha are on their weekly shop at Walmart when Tamathat was too tired of walking so she got on the cart. Joe and Tamatha were married for about 10 years and they hade 12 grandkids so they were pretty old.  2. Bob and Nancy are going on a motorbike ride and when they saw an old friend and Nancy made a certain hand jester at them. Bob and Nancy were the beasts of friends at the nursing home and escape from time to time. 3. Richard is teaching Jan how to scat bord but Jan didn't want to get wait in the rain so she got her umbrella. Richard was something of a scat bord expert in his youth so when Jan told hem that she had never gone scat boarding he just had to teach her.